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How to Choose the Best Health Insurance for Coronavirus?

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance for Coronavirus?

Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 which spread rapidly during 2020 has affected everyone in one way or the other. It consumed millions of lives in a very short period. During this time the insurance companies around the world brought various customized family or personal health insurance plans. Coronavirus health insurance plans are made keeping in mind the hospitalization (both pre and post) and other medical expenses during its treatment. But with so many policies available it is very difficult to choose the right one.

Some points must be considered while selecting the best health insurance policy against coronavirus:

With millions affected all over the world, including India, coronavirus is still deadly even after the development of the vaccine. There are two main coronavirus insurance policies, namely “Corona Kavach Policy” and “Corona Rakshak policy”.

As the coronavirus continues its impact all around the world and the vaccination process is a time taking process, it is a wise move to get a health insurance policy against coronavirus.

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