How To Support A Family In Which One Of The Members Is An Alcoholic?
Alcoholism is a relatively common problem, and still very embarrassing. People are afraid of the “drunkard” tag, different, special treatment by neighbors, and shame. It should not be forgotten that this problem occurs on many levels; Although alcoholism affects only the addicted person directly, it has a significant, indirect impact on the lives of those around them. They too may need support.
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The Alcohol Problem Occurs Among My Relatives
The extended family often underestimates its potential influence over relatives. Meanwhile, it often turns out that they are the ones who are able to provide the psychological comfort necessary for the addicts’ relatives. A spontaneous visit or a phone call – not necessarily oriented to the heart of the problem – can help a lot in getting to your feet. Alcoholism is not a one-man problem, and broken relationships at home are difficult to fix later. Reassuring the alcoholic’s relatives that they are not alone with their problem and that they have someone to count on is worth more than you might think.
I Have An Alcoholic Neighbor
Alcoholism among neighbors is a slightly more delicate matter. Many people – apart from the shame factor mentioned at the beginning – simply do not want “outside” interference in the world. The ongoing phenomenon of the disappearance of neighborhood communities in the country may be a serious obstacle for a person willing to provide support. Nevertheless, here too simple closeness can work – showing interest, small aids, a smile.
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Can I Do More?
Of course! Folk wisdom says that true friends are made when they are poor. Talking honestly and helping co-addicts understand that they are not in any way responsible for what is happening to the addicted person is very important in therapy. You can inform about treatment options for an addicted person, help in “detach” the life of a co-addicted person from the life of an alcoholic, spend time together. If we are asked to do so, we can also mediate in choosing a doctor or addiction clinic.